- Advance sign-up for classes is mandatory! Registration for classes closes 2 hours prior to the class's start time.
- If you are registered for a class, but can't make it, we ask you to inform the stuidio 2 hours before the class's start time. If you are registered for a morning class, the registration has to be canceled before 21:00 the previous night. In the case of a missed reservation without informing the studio in advance, a client with an unlimited monthly subscription will have their subscription shortened by one day, and 4x, 6x, or 8x subscriptions will be lessened by one.
- Once the subscription's expiration date has passed, the subscription is no longer valid regardless of any unused credits.
- The subscription must be activated within 30 days of the date of purchase.
- In unique circumstances, it is possible to extend a subscription for up to two weeks, paying 1 eur/day, if an arrangement is made with the studio.
- A subscription only applies to the person under whose name it is registered. Giving or sharing a subscription with someone else is not allowed. If this rule is broken by a client, the studio has the right to charge the client the full class attendance fee, or to confiscate or cancel the subscription.
- Subscriptions are valid for 30 days, including the date of purchase.
- Gift cards can be purchased at the studio administration desk.
- Gift cards can be purchased for specific services, or for a specific euro amount.
- The gift card is a moneyless payment option, which can be used at the studio and applied to the service or up to the value indicated.
- Gift cards can be used multiple times until the gift card's value is reached or the expiration date has passed.
- The gift card can be purchased with cash, credit, or a combination of both.
- The gift card cannot be exchanged for money. If a gift card is lost, it does not get replaced, nor does the expiration date get extended.
- The gift card is valid for 6 months from the date of its purchase.
- A gift card's expiration date can be extended within 3 months after its expiration date by paying 20% of the card's value. This extends the gift card for 1 month. If the gift card expired more than 3 months ago, its expiration date cannot be modified and the gift card cannot be returned for money.
Labo Sajūtu Laboratorija is registered as a medical institution. If you have an applicable insurance policy, ask for a reciept for the EKA check at the time of payment. The reciept can be submitted to your health insurance compamy.
Mums ir 2 labiekārtotas zāles un 2 ģērbtuves - katrā no tām ir aizslēdzami skapīši, dušas un tualete, kā arī mums ir kosmetologa, masāžas, terapijas un ājurvēdas kabinets un virtuves stūrītis.
Nodarbību, semināru un citu radošo aktivitāšu vadīšanai ir iespēja izmantot studijā esošos jogas paklājiņus, bolsterus, blokus, spilvenus, sedziņas, jostas un acu spilventiņus, kā arī lielās un mazās vingrošanas bumbas un riņķus pilates nodarbībām.
Virtuves stūrītī ir pieejama tējkanna, sulas spiede, blenderis smūtijiem un neliela plīts.
Visiem studijas apmeklētājiem pieejama autostāvvieta līdz 2h bez maksas.
Lielā zāle (55kvm)
Darba dienās līdz plkst. 17:00 15EUR/h
Darba dienās pēc plkst. 17:00 20EUR/h
Brīvdienās 25 EUR/h
Mazā zāle (33kvm)
Darba dienās līdz plkst. 17:00 10EUR/h
Darba dienās pēc plkst. 17:00 15EUR/h
Brīvdienās 20 EUR/h
Kosmetologa, masāžas, terapijas vai ājurvēdas kabinets
Darba dienās 10EUR/h
Brīvdienās 15EUR/h
Visa diena 20-30EUR